Rebuilding Discover NoCode

Starting over with purpose. Fireview, Christian Peverelli, NoCode Academy, Start a NoCode SaaS.

Hello Adventurers!

We’ve got some cool things to show off from the NoCode space this week and some of the newest tools that will may be game changers for you!



I recently ran across this tool that will be game changer for anyone using Firebase for your FlutterFlow or other backend. Firebase wasn’t designed for you to view or easily interact with your data. Fireview fixes that and gives you an easy way to view and interact with the data in a more natural way.

The closest competitor would likely be which is the same company that developed if you haven’t tried BuildShip yet, it’s definitely the star of building API endpoints with NoCode.

Leader Spotlight

Christian leads WeAreNoCode and creates most of their content! He has some of the best YouTube content out there from guides to helping you know how to set up your company with NoCode.

His custom approach to helping non-technical founders build software for their company has helped many companies use NoCode tools to get their feet under themselves and operations running smoothly.

Be sure to check out his channel and his site where he continues to empower founders and companies NoCode journeys.


NoCode Academy by GAP Consulting

No Code Academy Logo

You may know Gareth Pronovost ↗ from YouTube or LinkedIn. He and his team at GAP Consulting recently founded a new platform called NoCode Academy and they just announced it on July 1st!

They offer hourly assistance and help along with courses on many of the most popular NoCode platforms. In addition to weekly onboarding, they are also starting to host weekly webinars with a wide variety of people and educational presentations including AMAs with Gareth himself!


Rebuilding the Discover NoCode website

Over these last 5 weeks Sterling and I began reviewing the tech stack that we had going on with Discover NoCode. There were many issues with the initial tech stack with chose (Softr and others). The tools simply weren’t designed for prospects or monitoring website traffic and where it was coming from.

So without further adieu, we have rebuilt the Discover NoCode webpage using the following tech stack!

  • DB & Forms: SmartSuite

  • Consultant Scheduling: Zoom

  • Consultant Billing: Stripe (connected to Zoom)

  • Website: Wix Studio (Formerly Editor X)

  • Testimonials: Senja

  • Funnels & Nurture for Hackathons: HighLevel

  • Newsletter: Beehiiv

With Wix Studio we are now able to monitor website traffic and see where people are visiting from and how many there are along with what pages they are spending time on!

Wix Studio New Highlights Analytics Page

With this new setup we are able to clearly monitor our site traffic and with SmartSuite we are able to see submissions for new tools and gather feedback.

The cherry on top in my opinion though is Senja’s approach to having social proof on your website. Their platform makes it so convenient to collect testimonials and display them on your website site with convenient embeds.

How-to Video

How to Start a $1M SAAS With No Code + AI

Christian Peverelli has been on a role recently and just dropped one of the coolest videos about starting a SaaS with NoCode platforms and AI. Admittedly over the last ~3 years I have been looking to build something fun or SaaS-like for B2B.

The way Christian breaks down the process of finding product-market-fit is so awesome. If you’re brainstorming what you want to do in the NoCode space or how you could build something valuable in your spare time, regardless of whether you’re technical or non-technical, this recent video is sure to leave you thinking about what you could build with NoCode.

Happy 4th of July for those in the US!

Have a stellar week and keep on Discovering NoCode!

Have a tool or other idea you think we should highlight?

Email us at: [email protected]


or to participate.